East Fork Roaring River Restoration
Location – Stone Mountain, NC
Completed – 2018
The East Prong Roaring River Restoration project was located in Stone Mountain State Park, Wilkes County, NC.
The restoration work was implemented in May 2017 with the goal of improving water quality and aquatic habitats.
This was achieved by reducing the radius of the meander by shifting the channel and installing bank stabilization
revetments and grade control. A small wetland complex was also created for flood storage in the location of the pre-
existing channel. The project was funded by a grant from the North Carolina Clean Water Management Trust Fund
with partner support provided by Trout Unlimited, NC Park Service, and Resource Institute.
North State Environmental implemented the project in 2017. This 400-foot stream restoration project included
channel realignment, floodplain grading, in-stream log vane structures, toe wood revetments, riffle/pool creation, and
native riparian vegetation.


During Construction